Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show in Milan, September 26, 2016

8:49:00 PM 1 Comments

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show in Milan

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Miranda Kerr at Koradior Fashion Show 2016

Celebs Today

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

1 comment:

  1. "If that high world,which lies beyond
    ⁠Our own, surviving Love endears;
    If there the cherished heart be fond,
    ⁠The eye the same, except in tears—
    How welcome those untrodden spheres!
    ⁠How sweet this very hour to die!
    To soar from earth and find all fears
    ⁠Lost in thy light—Eternity"
