Lauren Cohan – Shape Magazine January/February 2016

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All that zombie fighting she does on The Walking Dead isn’t much different from how our January/February cover girl takes on a workout: The woman goes in for the kill

auren Cohan does not like to miss a workout. Her days on set can start as early as 4:30 a.m., and still the exercise diehard gets in a 20-minute (at the very least) sweat session beforehand, even if it means going to bed at 7:45 the night before. “When I don’t exercise in the morning, it’s a completely different day than when I do,” explains Lauren, 33, who stars in the horror movie The Boy,hitting theaters on January 22. “Working out gives me endorphins and makes me happy. I need it!” Lauren has five other rules she lives by, all equally designed to make her fit and healthy. You’ll want to listen in.

Celebs Today

Celebs Today

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

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